Sunday, September 2, 2018

DIY Body moisturizer

Hello Everyone,
Smooth, hydrated, moisturized skin is what each and everyone of us desire for. And many of us end up spending so much on body butters, body lotions, body moisturizer and many more things. But I have found a substitute or DIY( Do It Yourself) for it.
Before we get started with the DIY, let me tell you guys about my skin type. I have very dry skin. It tends to get patchy in winter.


  • Glycerin
  • Rose water(Gulab jal)
  • Lemon Juice
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Essential Oil(Optional)
You can easily find the above mentioned ingredients in the general store or medical store near you. But, I will also put the online links to buy all these ingredients at the end of the blog. 

How to make it?

  • Take equal amount of glycerin and rose water in a container.
  • Add two-three drops of lemon juice.
  • Add one tablespoon of Aloe vera gel.
  • Add two-three drops of your favorite essential oil( My favorite is Lavender essential oil). This step is completely optional.
  • Shake the container well and your DIY body moisturizer is ready.
You can store this moisturizer in the plastic container for good 3-4 months.


  • Please do a patch test before using this moisturizer.
  • It might feel a little sticky on the skin, but once you get used to it you will not feel the stickiness at all.

How to use it?

  • After taking shower, take the moisturizer in your palm and apply thoroughly to your entire body.
  • You can also apply this on your lips if you have really dry and patchy lips.
  • Even before going to the bed at night, you can apply this moisturizer.

Benefits of using this DIY Body Moisturizer:

  • Glycerin helps in completely moisturizing and hydrating the skin.
  • Rose water also known as Gulab jal is useful in making skin look fresh and glowing.
  • Lemon juice helps in brightening of the skin.
  • Aloe vera gel as we all know is so great for our skin. It moisturizes, hydrates, make skin glow and what not.

My take on this DIY Body Moisturizer :

Honestly, I have been using this moisturizer since 15 years now. Yes. You read it right. 15 years. This was introduced to me by my Mom. Ever since I have started using this, I never went back to any other body lotions. It instantly makes my skin moisturized and hydrated. Additionally, you don't have to reapply this again.
Also, my feet tends to get really dry and patchy in winter and summer season. What I like to do is, I apply this moisturizer and wear socks for two-three hours. Voila!! My feet instantly feels so hydrated. Of course the cracks don't disappear instantly. But with regular usage you will see the effect in 3-4 days.
I recommend this DIY Body Moisturizer to each and everyone who suffer from dry skin problems. Use it daily religiously and trust me you will never regret.
One more benefit which I have noticed is that it does make the skin a little even toned and also has helped in brightening up my skin. Obviously, it takes time to get the results.

Links to buy the products in the ingredient list :

Hope this blog on DIY Body Moisturizer helped you in some way. If it does, don't forget to comment and let me know if you liked this or not? 

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